Deciding to seek psychological help is not always an easy decision. We understand this. The thought of engaging in the process, continuing it, and opening up about your problems can sometimes be intimidating and may deter you from seeking help. This is a very natural and understandable reaction. To alleviate these concerns and question marks, we thought it would be beneficial to hear about the psychological help process from those who have experienced it. Therefore, we asked our clients who have completed the process to share their experiences, and now we are sharing these firsthand experiences with you. We thank all the clients who shared their experiences and hope that these insights will guide you as you consider seeking psychological help. Remember: "Everyone may need help sometimes."
Note: Our clients have been thoroughly informed about how and where their experience essays will be used, and the shared client comments are published anonymously with our clients' explicit consent. Our clients have the right to withdraw their consent at any time and request the removal of their experience essays. Permission to share these experience essays has been granted exclusively for use in ESTU PCG Unit's communication resources. Therefore, publishing them on any other platform for any purpose without permission constitutes a criminal offense.